Viewing posts in: Kara Manos
You’re More Than a Job (Or a Blog)
“Failure is integral to success.” Back in November, I received an email from a writer for SELF magazine. In more or less words, she told me that she was working on a story about how to “fail forward,” and she…
My Summer Makeup Routine
While I personally love cataloging Washingtonians and their beauty routines, I’ve always envied the fact that their routine is… well, a routine. My makeup changes on a weekly basis (in fact, sometimes daily) but that’s the life of a beauty…
Politics of Pretty on Glitter Guide
Words can’t express how exciting it is to be featured on Glitter Guide today (but the 10 beauty products above sure do!) Special shout out to Caitlin for thinking of me! Check out the complete post here on my favorite winter beauty…