… go to the mall and stock up on skincare and body products.
I was actually not in the DC area when the first snow/ice storm hit, I was in Winstom-Salem, North Carolina for a wedding (yes, a big fat greek wedding). I was supposed to drive back Sunday but because of the bad travel conditions, my family and I stayed one more night. The bad news, I had no time to put together a blog post for Monday. The good news: I am fully prepared for today’s snow day.
A winter wedding called for an oversized cosmetic bag filled with makeup for the weekend. You know, I always overpack. But I’m not ashamed. When it comes to makeup, you can never have too much.
On Monday I headed to Hanes Mall in Winston-Salem and perused the Sephora store (which actually had a pretty good selection for a such a small town). I treated myself to a Fresh gift set (a full-size Soy Face Cleanser and deluxe sample of the Lotus Youth Preserve Face Cream). I have been using a sample of the face cream and when I ran out I knew I needed more. It smells SO GOOD. And it’s not sticky or too thick of a formula. I’ve been using their Soy Face Cleanser for a while (you can read about it in a previous post here)but now I’m fully stocked to last me through the winter. During the holiday shopping season, I was sifting through the checkout line of travel goodies (convenient, but dangerous) and discovered this Boscia Mini Mask Medley. I actually have never tried anything from Boscia but a little birdie told me they have pretty cool masks. I’ll keep you posted on what I think of those in a future post!
I also made a quick stop in The Body Shop. They had an awesome deal going on: buy two, get two free plus two free samples and 10 percent off your purchase. My cousin told me about how much smoother her skin is after dry brushing so I picked up a Cactus Brush to try it for myself, and also stocked up on my favorite Brazil Nut Body Scrub (it smells so good), a bar of Olive soap, and Shea Lip Butter.
To my DC friends, enjoy the snow day!