This year I’m on a journey to test a new mask once a week in 2016. Whether it’s a moisturizing face mask or an exfoliating foot treatment, I’m going to report on what products are worth the splurge… or not. This week I decided to test-drive Pixi Glow Mud Mask, perfectly priced at $22 that you can scoop up at Target.
What it does: This is a clay mask made to stimulate, balance and purify. Apply a thin layer and leave on for 15 minutes.
What it felt like: The mask is a dark green color and it has a strong herbal scent. I waited about 20 minutes and I could feel my skin getting tighter—but not in an uncomfortable way. It was easy to rinse off afterwards too.
What I did while I masked: Cleaned my apartment and watched Keeping Up with the Kardashians. There was nothing else on TV, I swear!
The results: I didn’t mask last week so my skin hasn’t been in great condition. It’s been red, flaky and a little dry. It’s been a while since I tried a mud mask but lately I’m a huge fan of Pixi Beauty, especially their new Skin Treats line. My skin felt clean and smooth immediately after rinsing. I followed with my new favorite toner, Glow Tonic (more on that in a future post) and it helped boost my post-mask glow.
Have a mask you’d like me to try and review on the blog? Leave a comment below!
Catch up on previous posts from this beauty mask series here.
Sounds lovely! I haven’t tried anything from Pixi yet.