This post is dedicated to my favorite beauty muse: my mom (that’s her above, circa 1970… something). My best beauty memories with her include frequenting Lord & Taylor during my “tween” years getting makeovers at the Estee Lauder and Clinique counters with her; watching her do her makeup in the morning before she dropped me off at school, and of course, schmoozing my way to get her to buy me every Bonne Bell Lip Smackers flavored balm possible.
While her products may have changed, her beauty style hasn’t (except for maybe the way she used to iron her hair… with an actual iron in case you were wondering). There are still days where I find myself sifting through her red makeup bag when she’s not home, looking for the latest Chanel lipstick or eye cream in hopes I’ll discover a new product (or two) to borrow. Love you mom!
Wishing you and yours a Happy Mother’s Day!
Your mom is gorgeous!