Braided Top Knot Tutorial

Braided Top Knot Tutorial - Politics of Pretty

I’ve been attempting to put more of an effort into my hairstyle prep—one that isn’t too time consuming and doesn’t involve complicated steps or products. Balancing a full-time job and a blog doesn’t leave me much downtime to primp but I’m a firm believer that you can look polished without having to spend an absurd amount of time or money doing it. And if you’re a frequent reader of this blog, you know I’m all about beauty shortcuts!

Today I’m sharing another easy updo style: a braided top knot tutorial.

Braided Top Knot Tutorial - Politics of Pretty

Braided Top Knot Tutorial - Politics of Pretty

Braided Top Knot Tutorial - Politics of Pretty

Braided Top Knot Tutorial - Politics of Pretty

Braided Top Knot Tutorial - Politics of Pretty

Braided Top Knot Tutorial - Politics of Pretty

In case you missed my last top knot tutorial, I recently shared how boring/nonexistent my hair styling routine is. I know, sad. My track record would show that I hit the snooze button multiple times instead of taking the extra time to flat iron or curl my hair in the morning before work. Consider that I’m a beauty blogger—so I can’t imagine how readers feel about dedicating extra time to their own tresses!

A couple weeks ago I shared my new favorite type of top knot—a voluminous cotton candy bun. This week, I’m sharing another fuss-free updo. This one has a fun bohemian twist and it’s another easy style to pull off at home. Here’s a quick & easy braided top knot tutorial:

First, gather hair into a high ponytail, which sits close to the crown of your head. Secure with small elastic.

Then, apply hairspray to smooth any flyaways and to help create texture (this will help the bun stay in). Next, braid the ponytail.

Then, wind the braid clockwise around your head so it forms a small bun. Secure with bobby pins (I’m obsessed with these pretty rose gold ones) and a bit more hairspray. If you want the bun bigger and messier, pull at the loops that made the braid.

Photography by Brad Barnwell, Hair by Anna Fazio

Do you have a go-to fuss-free updo? I’d love to hear your ideas & tips in the comments!